KidsCare offers summer contracts in their daycares

animation écoresponsable durable crèche kidscare

Flexible contracts for Summer 2024

Is your daycare center closed for several weeks in July or August? Are you having difficulties finding childcare during this period because you’re working? Or do you simply want to try out the daycare for the first time and take advantage of a quieter period for this transition with your child?

Our summertime solution

We have the solution ! We offer short-term contracts in several of our daycares during the summer. This is a possibility from June to the end of September. The nurseries with the greatest availability during these months are those in Mies, Morges and Bern.

enfant joue en crèche mies dehors

But if you’re interested in another daycare, for example in Villars-sur-Glâne (Freiburg), do not hesitate to make an inquiry and we’ll assess whether or not this is possible.

To take advantage of this summer opportunity, just fill in our visit request here: Book your Visit

You can add details about the periods you are interested in the comment, as well as any other information that would help us understand your needs.

Practical details and conditions

  • Minimum of one full week or several days over two weeks or more.
  • A settling-in period is included, depending on the length of the stay.
  • The contract is for a fixed term. We cannot guarantee that the contract could be extended.

enfant en crèche mies rolle

Benefits for parents AND children

  • Living spaces designed for the safety and well-being of all children
  • Mini-excursions adapted to each child’s age and abilities, to the playground, the lake, the library and the museum
  • Early-learning activities created by our specialized early-childhood teams to explore both motor and mental possibilities.
  • Benefit from the flexibility of this contract and our extended opening hours: 6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. for most of our facilities
  • Ensure peace of mind and confidence by entrusting your child to a team of passionate and competent professionals.
  • Be certain of the quality of care received, even for short periods of time

If you have any questions about these contracts, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting you soon for a visit to one of our bilingual daycares!


Contact us if you have more questions!

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